Engine Installation: Part 2

10/23-I got everything hooked up in a couple of days. Wasn't too hard but did take some time. I didn't get any pics because I was still tired and dirty.

10/24-Well, I attempted to start it with no luck. It turned over but only backfired and sparked through the carb. Definitely a timing problem.

10/26-Well, after taking everyone's advise on the monte list as well as a great car buff, it was decided that my distributor was 180*. I reversed it and guess what, it fired.  But not without problems. Initially, I had a loud screech from the front of the motor. I thought it was the water pump but it turned out o be the damn alternator. Guess I'll have to get a new one. Right now its just running on the battery.

And its running 50 PHI of oil pressure at idle. This is a good sign.

I also have a cooling problem. It likes to run at a constant 225* or so which is much higher then normal. And I have not heat inside.

And finally, I have a nice amount of smoke coming out of the crank case. Oh shit. I hope its just blow-by or stuff burning off.

10/29-I pulled all the plugs to find no abnormal signs of wear. No oil, no burnt or foul plugs. They look practically new.

10/30-Started it again and to my surprise, it now runs nice and cool at 180*-190*. And I am even getting heat inside. It took a good 3-4 times of purging the cooling system to get most of the air out. That's why it ran so hot and why I had no heat inside. And no more smoke out of the crank case. It must have been shit burning off or blow-by. It also runs nice and smooth. It idles normal, revs awesome, and when I moved the car, it was really smooth.

But I now have a new problem, coolant in my oil. I pulled my breather and looked inside to find a nice milk shake liquid. But since it runs so smooth, all the cylinders are firing, and I have nothing but clear exhaust coming out of the pipes, it is highly doubtful that a head gasket is blown. I suspect either the head bolts or intake bolts became somewhat loose and is allowing coolant in my oil. Once I do a compression test, I'll hopefully be able to rule out the head gasket as my problem. But hey, at least it's running.
